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The Vaccinated Are Worried and Scientists Don’t Have Answers

By Kristen V. Brown and Rebecca Torrence

(Bloomberg) — Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others. And now, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought.

There’s a dearth of scientific studies with concrete answers, leaving public policy makers and corporate executives to formulate plans based on fragmented information. While some are renewing mask mandates or delayingoffice reopenings, others cite the lack of clarity to justify staying the course. It can all feel like a mess.

“We have to be humble about what we do know and what we don’t know,” said Tom Frieden, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the head of the nonprofit Resolve to Save Lives. “There are a few things we can say definitively. One is that this is a hard question to address.”

Absent clear public health messaging, vaccinated people are left confused about how to protect themselves. Just how vulnerable they are is a key variable not just for public health officials trying to figure out, say, when booster shots might be needed, but also to inform decisions about whether to roll back reopenings amid a new wave of the virus. On a smaller scale, the unknowns have left music lovers unsure if it’s OK to see a concert and prompted a fresh round of hang-wringing among parents pondering what school is going to look like.

In lieu of answers, what has emerged is a host of case studies providing somewhat different pictures of breakthrough infections. Variables including when the surveys were conducted, whether the delta variant was present, how much of the population was vaccinated and even what the weather was like at the time make it hard to compare results and suss out patterns. It’s difficult to know which data might ultimately carry more heft.

“It’s quite clear that we have more breakthroughs now,” said Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco. “We all know someone who has had one. But we don’t have great clinical data.”

One of the best known outbreaks among vaccinated people occurred in the small beach town of Provincetown, Massachusetts, as thousands of vaccinated and unvaccinated alike gathered on dance floors and at house parties over the Fourth of July weekend to celebrate the holiday — and what seemed like a turning point in the pandemic. About three-fourths of the 469 infections were among vaccinated people.

Authors of a CDC case study said this might mean that they were just as likely to transmit Covid-19 as the unvaccinated. Even so, they cautioned, as more people are vaccinated, it’s natural that they would also account for a larger share of Covid-19 infections and this one study was not sufficient to draw any conclusions. The incident prompted the CDC to reverse a recommendation it had issued just a few weeks earlier and once again urge the vaccinated to mask up in certain settings.

Still, the particular details of that cluster of cases may have made that outbreak especially bad, according to Gandhi.

“The rate of mild symptomatic outbreaks in this population was higher because of a lot of indoor activity (including intimacy), rain that weekend, not much outside time and mixture of people with different vaccination status,” she said in an email.

A newly released, far larger CDC case study of infections in New York state, meanwhile, found that the number of breakthrough infections has steadily ticked up since May, accounting for almost 4% of cases by mid-July. Those researchers cautioned that factors such as easing public health restrictions and the rise of the highly contagious delta variant might impact the results.

Yet another CDC case study, in Colorado, found that the breakthrough infection rate in one county, Mesa, was significantly higher than the rest of the state, at 7% versus about 5%. The report suggested it was perhaps because the delta variant was circulating more widely there, but also noted the ages of patients in Mesa and the lower vaccination rate may have played a role.

Research out of Israel seems to back the idea that protection from severe disease wanes in the months after inoculation, and more recently, that breakthrough cases may eventually lead to an uptick in hospitalizations. The information is preliminary and severe breakthrough cases are still rare, but it bolsters the case that some people will need booster shots in coming months.

Case studies and data from some states in the U.S. have similarly shown an increase in breakthrough cases over time. But with the delta variant also on the rise, it’s difficult to tell whether waning immunity to any type of coronavirus infection is to blame, or if the vaccinations are particularly ineffective against the delta variant. It could be both, of course. Changing behavior among vaccinated people could be a factor, too, as they return to social gatherings and travel and dining indoors.

All that said, some facts are well established at this point. Vaccinated people infected with the virus are much less likely to need to go to the hospital, much less likely to need intubation and much less likely to die from the illness. There’s no doubt that vaccines provide significant protection. But a large proportion of the nation — almost 30% of U.S. adults — have not been vaccinated, a fact that has conspired with the highly contagious delta variant to push the country into a new wave of outbreaks.

“The big picture here is that the vaccines are working and the reason for the spike in the U.S. is we have too little vaccine uptake,” Frieden said.

To a certain extent, breakthrough cases of any virus are expected. In clinical trials, no Covid vaccine was 100% effective — even the best vaccines never are. The more the virus is in circulation, the greater the risk of breakthrough cases. It’s also common for some aspects of viral immunity to naturally wane over time.

For the time being, there are simply more questions than answers. Are breakthrough infections ticking up because of the delta variant, waning immunity or a return to normal life? Are vaccinated people more vulnerable to severe illness than previously thought? Just how common are breakthrough infections? It’s anyone’s guess.

“It is generally the case that we have to make public health decisions based on imperfect data,” Frieden said. “But there is just a lot we don’t know.”


Delta Variant Threatens to Destroy Another European Summer


Saturday, June 26, 2021 07:00 AM

A month ago, hotel manager Hugo Goncalves was gearing up for a bustling summer with almost all rooms at the Tivoli Marina de Vilamoura Resort in the Algarve fully booked.

Goncalves hired new staff and stocked up the bar and kitchen to be ready for an influx of visitors, particularly British travelers, after a disastrous 2020. That was before Portugal was abruptly taken off the U.K.’s green list of countries, meaning those returning would need to quarantine, and the country started to look like a hotspot for the highly contagious delta strain of the coronavirus.

Then the Portuguese government imposed travel restrictions on Lisbon residents during weekends, making it harder for locals to travel to the warmer beaches — and hotels such as the Tivoli Marina — in southern Portugal.

“Four weeks ago, we had more than 90% of our rooms booked but now it’s just over 30%,” said Goncalves. “I don’t understand how Portugal stopped being safe from one day to the next.”

A worker disinfects sun loungers at Quarteira Beach in the Algarve region, Portugal.

Just as the northern hemisphere summer season kicks off and the European Union’s Covid-19 travel certificates become available, Portugal’s path back to normality — along with the rest of the region’s — is at risk of being upended by the delta strain.

There’s a race to administer vaccines and limit the fast-spreading mutation, with countries trying to avoid the prospect of a summer with only light restrictions escaping their grasp. While some governments desperately want to put out the “Open for Business” sign, there was a gloomy assessmentthis week from the EU’s disease prevention agency.

It said a fast relaxation of restrictions could cause a “significant increase in daily cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.” Right now, Europe isn’t seeing that, and the number of new cases has plunged, but pressure on governments to relax measures, along with complacency, could set back the virus battle.



Covid Is Airborne, Scientists Say. Now Authorities Think So, Too

By Jason Gale

(Bloomberg)– A quiet revolution has permeated global health circles. Authorities have come to accept what many researchers have argued for over a year: The coronavirus can spread through the air.

That new acceptance, by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, comes with concrete implications: Scientists are calling for ventilation systems to be overhauled like public water supplies were in the 1800s after fetid pipes were found to harbor cholera.

Cleaner indoor air won’t just fight the pandemic, it will minimize the risk of catching flu and other respiratory infections that cost the U.S. more than $50 billion a year, researchers said in a study in the journal Science on Friday. Avoiding these germs and their associated sickness and productivity losses would, therefore, offset the cost of upgrading ventilation and filtration in buildings.

“We are used to the fact that we have clean water coming from our taps,” said Lidia Morawska, a distinguished professor in the school of earth and atmospheric sciences at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, who led the study. Likewise, “we should expect clean, pollutant- and pathogen-free air” from indoor spaces, she said over Zoom.

The study’s authors, comprising 39 scientists from 14 countries, are demanding universal recognition that infections can be prevented by improving indoor ventilation systems. They want the WHO to extend its indoor air quality guidelines to cover airborne pathogens, and for building ventilation standards to include higher airflow, filtration and disinfection rates, and monitors that enable the public to gauge the quality of the air they’re breathing.

A “paradigm shift is needed on the scale that occurred when Chadwick’s Sanitary Report in 1842 led the British government to encourage cities to organize clean water supplies and centralized sewage systems,” they wrote.

“No one takes responsibility for the air,” Morawska said. “It’s kind of accepted that the air could be of whatever quality — containing viruses and pathogens.”

Speaking, Singing

SARS-CoV-2 multiplies in the respiratory tract, enabling it to spread in particles of varying sizes emitted from an infected person’s nose and throat during breathing, speaking, singing, coughing and sneezing.

The biggest particles, including visible spatters of spittle, fall fast, settling on the ground or nearby surfaces, whereas the tiniest — aerosols invisible to the naked eye — can be carried farther and stay aloft longer, depending on humidity, temperature and airflow.
It’s these aerosol particles, which can linger for hours and travel indoors, that have have stoked controversy.

Although airborne infections, like tuberculosis, measles and chickenpox are harder to trace than pathogens transmitted in tainted food and water, research over the past 16 months supports the role aerosols play in spreading the pandemic virus.

That’s led to official recommendations for public mask-wearing and other infection-control strategies. But, even those came after aerosol scientists lobbied for more-stringent measures to minimize risk.

Morawska and a colleague published an open letter backed by 239 scientists last July requesting authorities endorse additional precautions, such as increasing ventilation and avoiding recirculating potentially virus-laden air in buildings.

WHO guidance has been amended at least twice since, though the Geneva-based organization maintains that the coronavirus spreads “mainly between people who are in close contact with each other, typically within 1 meter,” or about 3 feet.

‘Nothing Magic’

Morawska, who heads a WHO collaborating center on air quality and health, says that’s an oversimplification. “There’s nothing magic about this 1 meter,” Morawska said. The closer to an infected person, the higher the concentration of infectious particles and the shorter the exposure time needed for infection to occur. “As you are moving away, the concentration decreases,” she said.

Infectious aerosols remain concentrated in the air longer in poorly ventilated, confined indoor spaces, according to Morawska.

Although a high density of people in such settings increases the number of people potentially exposed to an airborne infection, enclosed indoor areas that aren’t crowded may also be hazardous — a distinction Morawska says the WHO should make clearer.

“The WHO, step by step, is modifying the language,” she said.

Morawska, a Polish-born physicist who was previously a fellow of the International Atomic Energy Agency, can take credit  for the WHO’s changing stance, said Raina MacIntyre, professor of global biosecurity at the University of New South Wales in Sydney.

“Professor Morawska’s contribution, on the background of world-leading expertise in aerosol science, made a real impact by forcing WHO’s hand,” MacIntyre said in an email.

‘Hygiene Theater’

The role of airborne transmission “has been denied for so long, partly because expert groups that advise government have not included engineers, aerosol scientists, occupational hygienists and multidisciplinary environmental health experts,” MacIntyre wrote in The Conversation last week.

“A false narrative dominated public discussion for over a year,” she said. “This resulted in hygiene theater — scrubbing of hands and surfaces for little gain — while the pandemic wreaked mass destruction on the world.”

Some people working in infection prevention and control and related fields have stuck rigidly to beliefs that minimized aerosol transmission, despite evidence challenging their views because “they do not want to lose face,” said Julian Tang, a clinical virologist and honorary associate professor in the department of respiratory sciences at England’s University of Leicester.

“We all have to adapt and progress as new data become available,” Tang said. That’s especially true in public health, where official policies and guidance based on “outdated and unsupported thinking and attitudes can cost lives,” he said.

Morawska said she hopes the attention that the pandemic has drawn to face masks and the risks associated with inhaling someone else’s exhaled breath will be a catalyst for cleaner indoor air.

“If we don’t do the things we are saying now, next time a pandemic comes, especially one caused by a respiratory pathogen, it will be the same,” she said.




ECB’s Lagarde Sees Summer Recovery, Tricky Post-Pandemic Phase

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde predicted the euro-area recovery will pick up in the summer, while stressing that public authorities will have a difficult job weaning the economy off of emergency support.In an interview with French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche, Lagarde expressed confidence in the region’s ability to emerge from the coronavirus crisis stronger, with a more digital and greener future. She also urged governments to speed up work on their spending plans, so the European Commission can start issuing joint debt.

Christine Lagarde

“We remain convinced that 2021 will be a recovery year,” she said. “The economic recovery has been delayed, but not derailed. People are obviously waiting impatiently for it.”

The ECB currently predicts an economic expansion of close to 4% this year, after a contraction of nearly 7% in 2020, and Lagarde said that’s still likely if support isn’t ended too soon — though much depends on the rollout of vaccines.

The European Union’s vaccination program has got off to a slow start so far, with only 3.6% of the population getting a dose. The U.K. has delivered more than 17 shots per 100 people, and the U.S. is on almost 12.

Resurgent infections have forced many euro-area countries into renewed lockdowns, causing an economic contraction in the fourth quarter and making a double-dip recession practically inevitable.

Output is running at about 12 billion euros ($14 billion) a week below pre-pandemic levels, and the botched start to vaccinations means restrictions will only gradually be lifted. That makes the timely arrival of European Union recovery funds all the more urgent.

Lagarde described the ECB’s 1.85 trillion-euro emergency bond-buying progam as “appropriate” in size and “reasonable” in duration, promising policy makers “will act for as long as the pandemic is causing a crisis situation in the euro area.”

But she also warned that “once the pandemic is over and the immediate economic crisis is behind us, we will have a tricky situation on our hands.”

We must “not repeat the mistakes of the past by cutting off fiscal and monetary stimulus at once,” she said. Instead, authorities must offer flexible support that is reduced gradually.

“Economies will then have to learn how to function again without the help of any of the exceptional measures that had to be introduced as a result of the crisis,” she said. “I am not worried about this, because the capacity for recovery is strong.”

Asked about her predecessor Mario Draghi’s potential future as Italian Prime Minister, she said the country and the continent are “fortunate” he accepted the challenge.

“He has all the requisite qualities,” she said “He has the knowledge, courage and humility needed to complete his new task, i.e. to restart the Italian economy with help from Europe.”


Κυβέρνηση ουσίας ή εντυπώσεων;

Μετά τις εκλογές του 2019 και με κυβέρνηση τη Νέα Δημοκρατία οι προσδοκίες των ψηφοφόρων της ήταν κάτι παραπάνω από μεγάλες. Η δυναμική που είχε προεκλογικά, η φόρα με την οποία ερχόταν στην κυβέρνηση, έδινε σε πολλούς το συναίσθημα ότι η χώρα θα προχωρήσει με μεγάλα άλματα προς τα εμπρός.

Προχώρησε πολύ γρήγορα, ψηφίζοντας αμέτρητα νομοσχέδια, ωσάν να τα είχε από πριν έτοιμα, καθένα από αυτά με την δική του αξία και χαρακτηριστικά, όπως αυτά του Νέου Αναπτυξιακού Νόμου, του Επιτελικού Κράτους, του Νέου Πτωχευτικού ή αλλιώς Δεύτερη Ευκαιρία, που είχαν ως σκοπό να φέρουν σαρωτικές αλλαγές το καθένα στο αντικείμενο του. Το πέρασμα τους θα έμοιαζε με αυτό του οδοστρωτήρα, όπως έλεγε προεκλογικά και ο κύριος Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης. Είχε πει και παλιότερα όμως ότι τον ενδιαφέρει η επικοινωνία και όχι η ουσία.

Και ψηφίζονταν τα νομοσχέδια και περνούσε ο καιρός και περίμενε ο κόσμος να δει τις σαρωτικές αλλαγές. Μαζί με τον κόσμο περίμενε όμως και η οικονομία της χώρας. Αυτά βέβαια πάνε μαζί ή τουλάχιστον πήγαιναν μέχρι πρότινος. Μια οικονομία που παρέλαβε η Νέα Δημοκρατία έχοντας όλες τις προϋποθέσεις να πάει ακόμη καλύτερα.

Τα ταμεία γεμάτα (ναι μεγάλο ρόλο σε αυτό έπαιξε η υπερφορολόγηση της μεσαίας τάξης), ένα ΑΕΠ το οποίο από το 2015 έως το 2019 σημείωσε μια άνοδο σωρευτική περίπου 7,5%, μια ανεργία που είχε πέσει κατά 10 μονάδες από τα υψηλά του 27,9% και μια αύξηση των θέσεων εργασίας κατά 400,000 και άλλα πολλά στοιχεία που έδειχναν ότι η οικονομία μας είχε αλλάξει πορεία επιτέλους, μετά από πολλά και δύσκολα χρόνια.

Οι πολίτες της χώρας μας είχαν ξεκινήσει πάλι να ελπίζουν και έτσι πρέπει και το δικαιούνται ίσως περισσότερο από κάθε άλλη φορά. Όμως τα αποτελέσματα δεν άργησαν να έρθουν. Τα μαντάτα από το χώρο της οικονομίας  δεν ήταν καλά. Η βιομηχανική παραγωγή άρχισε να σημειώνει αρνητικά ποσοστά από τον Οκτώβριο του 2019 και συνεχίζει ως σήμερα. Το ποσοστό του ΑΕΠ είχε δύο συνεχόμενα τρίμηνα αρνητικά, το 4ο του 2019 και το πρώτο του 2020 (με έτος αναφοράς το 2010) και η οικονομία μας είχε ήδη μπει και με τεχνικούς όρους σε ύφεση πριν την πανδημία.

Και μετά βέβαια ήρθε και η πανδημία και οι ελπίδες του κόσμου άρχισαν σιγά σιγά να σβήνουν. Όμως σε αυτό που ήταν καλή η κυβέρνηση, ήταν η επικοινωνία. Οι εντυπώσεις που δημιουργούσε από την αρχή μέχρι και πρόσφατα είναι ότι τα κάνει όλα τέλεια:  Λάθη μηδέν. Η χώρα πετάει. Οι επενδυτές κάνουν ουρά. Η χώρα επιτέλους αλλάζει. Ευτυχώς ξεμπλέξαμε με τους προηγούμενους και άλλα πολλά.

Είχε φτάσει σε τέτοιο βαθμό η επικοινωνία όπως την ορίζει στο μυαλό της η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη που πίστευαν ότι θα μπορεί να νικήσει την πραγματικότητα. Μπορεί η επικοινωνία να νικήσει τους αριθμούς; Μπορεί η επικοινωνία να νικήσει την απογοήτευση των πολιτών; Μπορούν οι εντυπώσεις μέσω της έναρξης της τουριστικής περιόδου στη Σαντορίνη και τα ωραία τοπία να κάμψουν τις αντιδράσεις του τουριστικού κλάδου; Μπορεί ο πρωθυπουργός Μωυσής να νικήσει την πανδημία; Μπορούν οι εντυπώσεις να κερδίσουν την ουσία;

Και όμως σε πάρα πολλές περιπτώσεις η επικοινωνία νίκησε την πραγματικότητα, εκτός από αυτές που ήταν σκληρό βίωμα του καθενός και όταν η σκληρή πραγματικότητα αρχίζει και γίνεται αντιληπτή σε ολοένα και περισσότερους ανθρώπους, τότε έρχεται η μεγάλη στιγμή της αποκάλυψης. Η επικοινωνία και οι εντυπώσεις χάνου κάθε δύναμη.

Ο ελληνικός λαός έχει αρχίσει και καταλαβαίνει, ότι η τωρινή κυβέρνηση δεν έχει τίποτα περισσότερο σε αξία να προσφέρει από ένα όμορφα περιτυλιγμένο δώρο, σαν και αυτά που τοποθετούν κάποιοι τα Χριστούγεννα κάτω από το δέντρο για να φαίνονται όμορφα και να κάνουν εντύπωση, που όταν όμως τα ανοίξεις θα δεις ότι μέσα είναι άδεια. Μόνο το κουτί και το περιτύλιγμα και η απογοήτευση μεγάλη.




After ECB Dividend Cap Flouted, Finnish Watchdog Mulls Next Step

(Bloomberg) — Finland’s financial watchdog is trying to figure out how to respond after a lender it oversees explicitly disregarded the European Central Bank’s guidelines on shareholder rewards.

The decision by Alandsbanken Abp, announced on Jan. 1, to pay almost four times the dividend cap set by the ECB is “unfortunate,” Jyri Helenius, head of banking supervision at the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, said in an interview. The lender acted without its watchdog’s permission, but Helenius acknowledged there’s not much he can do about it.

“We expect banks to comply with the recommendation, even though we aren’t able to make it legally binding,” Helenius said. “It’s unfortunate that a Finnish bank is slipping from the common European front on this.”

Last month, the ECB lifted a de facto ban on dividends but urged banks to limit such shareholder payouts to less than 15% of profit for 2019 and 2020, or 0.2% of their key capital ratio, whichever is lower. Alandsbanken says it plans to pay out 59% of 2019’s earnings, citing record profits that year.

The cap on bank dividends in the euro zone is stricter than in the U.K. and Switzerland and has prompted criticism from some corners of the financial industry. ​

Nordea Bank Abp, Finland’s biggest bank, has said it will follow the recommendation but that it will contact the ECB to “discuss the intended level of distribution,” noting that it is “one of the best capitalized banks in Europe.”

Alandsbanken, which is too small to come under direct ECB supervision, said the latest guidelines fail to take into account the comparative strength of some banks in the euro zone.

Long-Term Risks

Alandsbanken said holding back on dividends could alienate the very investors it relies on to grow. “The long-term risks to the bank may be larger” if shareholders don’t get a substantial portion of profits, it said. That’s why it’s “choosing not to follow” the guidance of the Finnish FSA and, by extension, the ECB, it said.

The Finnish FSA will “engage” with lenders that ignore the ECB’s guidance, Helenius said. “It’s very exceptional that a bank would disregard our recommendation,” he said.

Helenius is now urging the financial industry to be patient. Once the ECB repeals its recommendation, set to be in place through September, “at least in Finland it will be possible then for banks that have enough capital to pay dividends for both 2019 and 2020,” he said.

The ECB directly oversees the biggest euro-zone lenders while national regulators in the bloc supervise smaller banks, some of which have been allowed to pay dividends. German regulator BaFin has said it will permit payouts if financial firms have sufficient financial strength.


Bitcoin Breaches $34,000 as Rally Extends Into New Year

(Bloomberg) — Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency, topped $34,000, just weeks after passing another major milestone.

The currency gained as much as 7.8% to $34,182.75, before slipping to about $33,970 as of 3:05 p.m. on Sunday in Singapore. It advanced almost 50% in December, when it breached $20,000 for the first time.

The latest gains top an eye-popping rally for the controversial digital asset in 2020, which rebounded sharply after a severe crash in March that saw it lose 25% amid the coronavirus pandemic.The currency “will be on the road to $50,000 probably in the first quarter of 2021,” said Antoni Trenchev, managing partner and co-founder of Nexo in London, which bills itself as the world’s biggest crypto lender.

Institutional investors returning to their desks this week will likely boost prices further after retail buying over the holidays, he said.Bitcoin has increasingly been “embraced in more global investment portfolios as holders expand beyond tech geeks and speculators,” Bloomberg Intelligence commodity strategist Mike McGlone wrote in a note last month.

Proponents of the currency have also seized on the narrative that the coin could act as a store of wealth amid supposed rampant central-bank money printing, even as inflation remains mostly muted.Bitcoin should eventually climb to about about $400,000, Scott Minerd, chief investment officer of Guggenheim Investments, told Bloomberg Television in a Dec. 16 interview.

Still, there are reasons to be cautious, partly since Bitcoin remains a thinly traded market. The currency slumped as much as 14% on Nov. 26 amid warnings that the asset class was overdue a correction. The big run-up in price in 2017 was followed by an 83% rout that lasted a year.


ECB’s Dividend Recommendation Flouted by Small Bank in Finland

(Bloomberg) — A small Finnish bank is explicitly disregarding European regulatory guidelines on dividends with the justification that ignoring its shareholders would be more risky in the long run.

Alandsbanken Abp said on Friday that it is “choosing not to follow” the recommendations of the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority and, by extension, the European Central Bank.

The ECB has urged lenders to show restraint with dividends and share buybacks in light of the ongoing pandemic, and the threat it poses to the economy. But Alandsbanken says it won’t heed that guidance because its profits in 2019 “were the highest in the bank’s 100-year history.

The regulatory recommendations “do not distinguish between the strongest and the weakest bank in Europe,” Alandsbanken said in a statement. Its board “believes that the long-term risks to the bank may be larger if — based on our current level of earnings and risks — we choose to follow the regulatory recommendation than if we also begin to take the bank’s other important stakeholder groups into account.”

Last month, the ECB lifted a de facto ban on dividends but urged banks to limit such shareholder payouts to less than 15% of profit for 2019 and 2020, or 0.2% of their key capital ratio, whichever is lower. That makes the ECB more hawkish than watchdogs such as the Bank of England.

Alandsbanken, which said it doesn’t expect to receive government aid in this or future crises, is proposing a total dividend of 1 euro ($1.22) per share for 2019. That’s equivalent to 59% of its earnings per share, almost four times the ECB’s guideline.

The ECB directly oversees the biggest euro-zone lenders while national regulators supervise smaller banks. Some smaller banks in the bloc have been allowed to pay dividends, with German regulator BaFin saying it will permit payouts if banks have sufficient financial strength.


Astra’s Vaccine Won Approval, But How Good Is It?

By Bloomberg Opinion

Sam Fazeli, a Bloomberg Opinion contributor who covers the pharmaceutical industry for Bloomberg Intelligence, answered questions about the approval in the U.K. Wednesday of a Covid-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca Plc and the University of Oxford. It follows the shot developed by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE, which was cleared earlier this month and has already been rolled out in the U.K., U.S. and Europe. Moderna Inc.’s vaccine also gained emergency authorization in the U.S. The conversation has been edited and condensed.

The Astra vaccine is the third to be approved by either the U.K., U.S. or EU, but it’s different from the first two. How so?

All vaccines aim to deliver pieces of a live virus or a whole inactive (killed) virus to the body so that the immune system has an opportunity to raise a response to it and form a memory. That way, when the actual pathogen arrives, it is ready to rapidly deploy antibodies and immune cells (T-cells) to kill the virus and infected cells, respectively. The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines deliver the genetic material in the form of “messenger RNA,” which instructs cells to create a modified version of a key coronavirus protein. This, in turn, prompts an immune response that can fend off the real virus. AstraZeneca-Oxford’s vaccine, AZD1222, uses a “viral vector” – a tool for delivering the same genetic material – which it derived from an engineered chimp adenovirus, similar to the virus that causes the common cold. (Johnson & Johnson uses a similar approach, but its vaccine uses a human adenovirus to deliver the genetic material.) One of the other key differences between the Astra vaccine and those of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna is that it doesn’t require super-cold storage and can be transported and kept at normal refrigerator temperatures. This makes it much easier to use and distribute, especially in more rural areas and countries where cold-chain logistics are problematic.

How well does the Astra vaccine work compared with those other two?

In preclinical tests and early trials in humans, the vaccine did O.K. It was not as protective against viral infection in the nose and throat of nonhuman primates, though it did prevent severe disease. In the early stages of human trials, the vaccine did not induce as strong an immune response, measured by looking at antibody levels, as that seen with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s shots. This may explain the lower efficacy seen so far in its later-stage U.K. and Brazil trials and may have to do with the way the vaccine delivers its genetic material. There are also subtle differences in the actual protein structure Astra uses in its vaccine compared with the other two shots. While all of the shots target what’s called the “spike” protein — the rod-like structures that protrude from the virus and help in binding to cells and infecting them — Astra’s is the only one to use an original form of that protein, which has been shown to be less immunogenic in some experimental settings.

Wasn’t there a problem with the Astra trials? The dosage was given out incorrectly, and the data was confusing?

Yes. The Astra-Oxford team reported late-stage preliminary results from its U.K. and Brazil trials that contained data from about 12,000 subjects vaccinated with AZD1222 and a similar number on placebo. Not only were the trials smaller than the Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna trials, the efficacy of the vaccine was also lower at 70%, compared with the more than 90% seen with the other two vaccines. And the Astra data was complicated by the fact that 1,367 subjects in the U.K. trial, out of a total of 3,744 who received the vaccine, got only half of the required dose on their first jab because of a manufacturing issue. If you ignore those subjects, the efficacy was about 62% when combining the U.K. and Brazil data. The other issue is that there were only 718 participants 55 or older, who are at higher risk of hospitalization and death, and that’s not enough to judge the potential of the vaccine for that important cohort. There was also a problem with the time interval between the first and the second dose as the trials started looking at the vaccine as a single dose, only later converting to a two-dose regime. All of this raised questions and caused some confusion, which is unfortunate given the generally positive results.

Are you comfortable with the data now? Did the U.K. make the right decision?

The vaccine clearly works. We just don’t know how well. In a normal world, the Astra data we’ve seen so far would be the kind that would generate hypotheses requiring further trials to prove things like efficacy, the required dose level, the best dosing interval and its effect in the older population. The U.K.’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, which cleared the shot, has for sure seen more data than has been published; that data, whenever it is revealed, will be crucial in helping us understand what the approval was based on. The MHRA’s analysis suggests that the vaccine’s efficacy was 73% up to 12 weeks after one dose of the vaccine. But this is what is called an exploratory analysis and was not based on predefined criteria, again making it hypothesis-generating and needing a future trial. It’s also possible that the trial has some data on the new variant of the virus that has been discovered in the U.K., and how sensitive it is to the vaccine.

Speaking of that variant, it appears to be more transmissible than the original forms of the virus . Despite the lockdowns and restrictions it triggered in the U.K., it has since spread elsewhere including the U.S. The good news is that vaccines may work just as well against this variant, but given that viruses are always mutating, there’s a risk of other variations cropping up that could be more resistant to shots. How adaptable is the Astra vaccine?

The Astra, J&J, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots are all amenable to rapid reengineering with any new variant. All four vaccine developers can make new candidates within a few weeks. That is one of their strengths compared with other technologies.

The U.K. has approved a dose schedule that seems different from other vaccines. What was this based on?

The approval is for a first dose, followed by a second dose up to 12 weeks later. This is much longer than that for Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine (21 days) and Moderna (28 days). In the published data on Astra’s trials, there was a reference to the fact that the median time interval for subjects who received two standard doses of the vaccine in the U.K. trial was 69 days, with a range of 50 days to 86 days. So the 12-week interval is at the very top end of that range. I don’t believe there is likely to be enough data to judge which dose interval is best until the MHRA publishes its approval letter and shows the data that was used to back its decision. What I am worried about is that if the first shot does not provide a strong enough immunity to suppress viral replication in people, it may lead to the virus amassing even more mutations and developing the ability to evade the vaccine. This could affect the efficacy of other shots, too. We just don’t know.

What about U.S. approval? Is that close to happening?

U.S. approval will need data from the much larger and simpler trial that Astra is conducting there. That data should come out in the first quarter. Astra is testing two standard doses of the vaccine four weeks apart in as many as 20,000 individuals. The question is what happens if the efficacy comes out at the same 60% to 64% level seen in the U.K. and Brazil trials. Even though this meets regulatory guidelines for approval, which require efficacy of 50% or more, will the U.S. approve it given the much higher efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines? And if it does not, what will that mean for the U.K. approval? Will U.K. subjects, and those of other countries that approve Astra’s vaccine, be deemed as vaccinated when it comes to U.S. travel? This remains to be seen.


GLOBAL INSIGHT: Alt-Data Show Activity Drops on Virus, Holidays

(Bloomberg Economics) – – With the Covid-19 recession rendering many traditional indicators outdated before they are published, Bloomberg Economics is using a set of high-frequency, alternative data to build daily activity indicators. Here’s what the latest data show:

  • As expected, economic activity in several of the world’s largest advanced economies plummeted over the Christmas holidays.
  • An increase in Covid-19 infections and stricter containment measures in November and early December, led activity to drop sharply in the third week of December. A decline in mobility and other alternative data indicators is not unusual over the Christmas and New Year holidays. But in some countries, such as Germany and Italy, very strict containment measures imposed shortly before Christmas added to the weakness.
  • Japan is the only bright spot among advanced economies. Activity held steady at more than 90% of its pre-virus level both because of a large measure of success in controlling the virus and the lack of the seasonal factor of Christmas.
  • Our indicators provide a high-frequency guide to the pace of recovery across countries, and attempt to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in alternative data. They are not a substitute for the detailed country view.

The activity indexes are estimated using a dynamic factor model. This methodology extracts an unobservable latent common factor of the underlying high-frequency data in the spirit of Stock and Watson. The model is estimated with daily figures from Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 29, 2020.

The high-frequency statistics we use have some obvious advantages — providing a more timely read than traditional data series. They also come with some caveats attached:

  • The high weight of travel and mobility indicators may lead to overweighting this type of activity in the index.
  • The index is not fully comparable across countries as we partly use different indicators for different countries, and the relationship between mobility and output likely varies between countries. A complete set of sources is shown in the table below.
  • We don’t have a long enough time series to map the relationship between the activity indicators and GDP.
  • In a dynamic factor model, component weights adjust as new data become available. Future updates of the index will likely result in small backward revisions to historical readings.
  • Our model nowcasts missing data points. That can mean backward revisions of past readings as new data become available.

High-Frequency Indicators Included in Factor Model

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